Let’s talk Retinol with Dr Sharon

All of us have to deal with the same problem at some point or another – ageing skin. No one’s skin is the same, we all age differently and our approaches vary in how we manage our appearance. These things are greatly influenced by the environments we live in, the activities we enjoy and the products that we use in our skincare routine.
If you are looking for ways to combat the signs of ageing skin, then retinol is something you need to have on your radar. Retinol is a form of Vitamin A and is featured on the top shelves of many dermatologists – it has an unparalleled track record in reducing the visible appearance of wrinkles and helping people achieve more youthful and healthy skin.
Vitamin A is one of the most essential nutrients when it comes to our skin. There are two types of Vitamin A, retinoids and carotenoids, both of which can be converted into retinol by the liver. You may not have heard of retinol before, but it is quite a big deal when it comes to looking after your skin.
What Is It and Why Use It?
Retinol and Vitamin A are two things that are bundled together quite often, however, they are not the same thing. Vitamin A has a plethora of useful benefits, though the one we want to hone in on is the part that keeps your skin healthy and youthful, and this is where retinol comes in. Simply put, retinol encourages your body to produce more collagen and stimulates the growth of new, healthy skin cells – this reduces wrinkles, improves skin colour and tone and can help eliminate spots and pigmentation.
Retinol was first used as a way of combatting acne, though researchers and patients quickly found that it was also extremely effective in alleviating the appearance of spots, pigmentation and some types of sun damage. Like any product, it won’t change your skin overnight, however, when properly incorporated into a skincare routine it can be an invaluable ally. The key is to integrate this ingredient properly, and this is something that needs to be stressed – for if it is abused or misused, retinol can leave your skin in a worse condition than when you started.
The Dos and Dont’s
We recommend that you speak to a medical professional before you start using retinol – it is a safe product to use but you can’t just simply lather it on! Furthermore, there are multiple types to choose from. How else are you going to know what % of the retinol-based product is suitable for your skin?
Retinol has different effects for everyone, and it might not be wise to use this if you suffer from rosacea or eczema. It is an extremely strong ingredient and can cause dryness and increase sensitivity when used on sensitive skin. If you use too much from the get-go you are also likely to make your skin dry and flaky. Retinol can also increase the photosensitivity of your skin, so you shouldn’t spend too much time in the sun without applying sunscreen!
All that aside, retinol is a great ingredient when used responsibly – the trick is to ease your skin into the regime – start by using it a couple of times a week and gradually increasing your dosage until your skin becomes more familiar with it.
Feel Confident
If you are looking to restore your skin so it looks healthier and more youthful, then Dr Sharon’s Facial Aesthetics is here to help. Specialising in non-invasive facial remedies, Dr Sharon Kaur can recommend the best products and treatments to get you the results you desire.
If you are considering retinol-based products, then Dr Sharon Kaur can devise a bespoke treatment plan that will help you capitalise on the positive effects of retinol, whilst working to reduce any risk to the condition of your skin.
If you are interested in finding out more or trying out a product, then please do get in touch at info@drsharonsfacialaesthetics.co.uk or by calling 02476 304 897 today.