Address Your Vitamin Deficiencies With Dr Sharon Kaur
It’s fair to say that everyone has a basic understanding of vitamins and their importance in the proper functioning of our bodies. But how many people really know why they are needed and what sort of tasks they help us to carry out on a daily basis?
What are vitamins?
In total, there are 13 different types of vitamin, all of which are essential in some way to the smooth running of our body’s internal processes and the maintenance of optimum physical and mental health. Commonly found in food, the role that they play in keeping our bodies in good working order should never be underestimated. Without them, we’d struggle to turn food into energy, suffer from impaired cognitive function and become susceptible to the development of common and chronic illnesses on a much more regular basis. Strong and healthy bones, teeth and hair? Perfect skin? You’ve guessed it, all courtesy of vitamins.
As we’re incapable of producing most of these micronutrients naturally, we need to source these from the foods we eat and this is one of the main reasons why following a healthy and balanced diet is so important. There are exceptions, of course, with Vitamins B3 and D obtainable from elsewhere, and the latter of these created when sunlight meets our skin.
Vitamin deficiencies
With this in mind, it follows that the non-absorption of specific vitamins can have many detrimental effects on our health and happiness and it’s not uncommon for people of any age, race or background to find themselves lacking in supplies of a particular vitamin. This can come about as a result of not sticking to a balanced diet but can also occur due to a number of other lifestyle factors such as smoking, not eating meat, taking certain medications or suffering from long-term medical conditions such as Crohn’s disease.
Vitamin deficiencies can present themselves in various ways and typically tend to interrupt the normal functioning of the body. For instance, those who find themselves at the mercy of a vitamin B-12 deficiency can fall prey to persistent headaches, mouth ulcers and find it difficult to maintain their balance whilst also becoming more vulnerable to the symptoms of depression and anxiety. Research conducted by the NHS has also found that 1 in 5 people in the UK are low in vitamin D, so this is something that is more common than you may think.
Vitamin therapy with Dr Sharon Kaur
Although there is a range of useful supplements available to help those top up their supplies where needed, vitamin therapy – a practice which covers the routine administration of vitamins directly into the body either via injection or IV drip – is becoming an increasingly popular form of treatment.
At Dr Sharon’s Facial Aesthetics, Coventry, patients can now enjoy a timely boost to their health and wellbeing in the form of vitamin B-12 and vitamin C injections. Administered in mere minutes, these injectable lunchtime treatments bypass the digestive system and are delivered directly to the bloodstream, ensuring an instant improvement in both how the body works and how you feel within yourself. The practice of vitamin therapy has become especially relevant in light of the Covid-19 pandemic and vitamin C injections can provide those in need with supplies of this micronutrient to aid the functioning of the immune system at this crucial point in time.
Either together or apart, these solutions are capable of increasing immunity and accelerating the process of cell renewal as well as helping you to beat the lethargy and fatigue so often associated with the lack of a particular vitamin. A replenishment in your supplies of vitamin C will also have a positive impact on your body’s ability to produce collagen, an essential component in the maintenance of healthy and younger-looking skin.
Book your appointment today
Recently awarded the title of Coventry’s Leading Facial Aesthetics Provider at the 2020 GHP Global Excellence Awards, Dr Sharon is renowned for the quality and effectiveness of all of her aesthetics and cosmetics treatments and is the practitioner of choice for patients in Coventry, the Midlands area and beyond. She is also fully trained in diet and nutrition and, as such, has a tremendous understanding of what our bodies need to perform at their highest level.
To book an appointment with her or to find out more about vitamin injections, call 02476 304 897 or contact us today.